Managing Your Training


Wildman Athletica’s Intro to Kettlebells is a subscription based training program. Once you have subscribed to the plan that fits your budget, you will have access to the full training program, which auto renews per the plan you chose, until you cancel your plan.

If you wish to change to another payment subscription you will have to cancel your current plan before the renewal date, and subscribe to another plan.

For instance:

If you have subscribed to a 3 month cycle, and at the end of that training, you only want or need one (1) more month of this program before moving to more advanced training, you would need to cancel your current subscription before the renewal date, and then subscribe to the monthly subscription for another month, then cancel.

Kajabi is the business platform that currently houses Wildman Athletica programming. You can access your customer portal here:


How To Change Payment Or Cancel A Subscription


1—Go to and enter your credentials

2—Click on your Avatar at the top right of your page

3—Click “Settings” from the dropdown menu

4—Click “Billing Info” at the top righ of your page

From here, you can replace your credit card or cancel your subscription(s).

***For subscriptions, all sales are final, no refunds***