Forget Stretches, Use Clubs To Improve Hip Mobility

heavy club exercises mobility overcoming pain May 21, 2024

The thing that has separated humans for thousands of years, and allowed us to become the dominant species on earth, is our ability to manipulate levers.

Thumbs allowed us to grip levers, such as tools and weapons, to build things and protect ourselves.

Thus, the club, a lever, is the defining tool of the human species.

Today, we have lost connection to the lifestyle of our ancestors, and many of us suffer in pain every day due to this.

We can restore much of our natural movement ability by swinging clubs, specifically by using throwing patterns, which is what humans did for thousands of years to hunt, fight, and survive.

In this week's video, Mark shows a simple half kneeling 180 degree pullover, which is part of a throwing pattern that improves rotation, as well as hip mobility.

By placing one knee on the ground we can improve hip internal and external rotation, and undo much of the tension causes from prolonged sitting and lack of overall movement.

Improve your hip mobility and reduce pain with this movement.






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