Try These Martial Get Ups For Fitness & Self-Defense

bodyweight training get up martial arts Dec 03, 2024

Get Ups are not only a fundamental human movement that we have used for thousands of years to hunt, escape predators, transition to find food, and move, they're also essential techniques in martial arts.

Martial artists train various types of Get Ups to safely transition from the ground the standing. When you are knocked down in a fight, the difference between victory and defeat could be how quickly you can regroup on your feet.

Different martial arts use different types of Get Ups, all with specific uses and purposes.

In today's video, Mark shows the Judo and Krav Get Ups, which not only are useful for self-defense, but can be performed for reps and with speed to build functional fitness.

We can break these movements down into their smaller parts to build specific parts of each movement, and to better learn them for efficiency.

Learn them here.




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