These Are The Cadillacs of Heavy Clubs, Hephaestus Athletica Clubs

heavy clubs Jan 27, 2025

If you've ever swung competition kettlebells you know there are levels to the quality and feel of "performance grade" bells.

The same thing goes for heavy clubs. The equivalent of competition heavy clubs are what Mark calls, "Cadillac Clubs."

These clubs are fine tuned to have a perfect center of balance, and also include some other premium features, like a more comfortable grip, superior knob, and colored bands to easily identify the weight of the club.

We were thrilled when Hephaestus Athletica sent us a shipment of their complete line of heavy clubs, which included some Cadillacs!

These are very hard to find and Mark was very impressed by their design and quality.

Plus, they offer the "unicorn" 30lb club, which is extremely rare, but very useful when progressing to heavier weights.

Check them out here!


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