Use The Shin Box Hip Snap To Build Grappling Power & Mobility

heavy club exercises jiu jitsu martial arts mobility Aug 20, 2024

The Shin Box is a high-value position that is used not only on the jiu-jitsu mat to perform techniques, but one that can improve hip mobility, strength, and resilience.

By loading the Shin Box position we can deepen hip mobility, allowing for better range of motion and freedom of movement.

We can also build resilience in the hips, lower back and spine by increasing strength at these new ranges, which will directly translate to better injury prevention on the mat.

Shin Box drills can be performed with bodyweight alone to gradually warm up the joints and muscles, or with load like a kettlebell or club to take the benefits even further.

All grapplers will benefit from Shin Box work, especially before class or dedicated time each week to build strength and power.

In fact, anyone, grappler or not, will gain all of the same hip and low back benefits for greater health and longevity.

Learn how in today's video.



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