Learn The Outside Clean For Strength & Athleticism

kettlebell exercises strength Jun 18, 2024

You are never done doing cleans. The clean is one of the most functional exercises available, as it's a pattern humans have been doing for thousands of years.

The clean is in the deadlift family, and is essentially an explosive hip hinge to hike a load from the ground up to the front rack position.

You can use many tools to load the clean including barbells, dumbbells, clubbells, and kettlebells. 

However, only the last two, clubs and KBs, allow you to safely add a rotational component, which takes the benefits of the clean to a new level.

The rotational clean builds resilience in the spine and hips, making them stronger and more able to handle the dynamics of life and sport.

Today, Mark teaches you the Outside Clean, which is an advanced move best learned after mastering straight line cleans.

Learn it here.






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