Use This KB Progression To Build Functional Strength For Life

kettlebell exercises strength May 07, 2024

Movements in life rarely happen in a single step. Life requires a series of movements to achieve a goal like locomotion, moving objects, or getting up, over, or on top of something. 

And there is no better tool than the kettlebell to train series of movements together. By combining exercises into sequences we can build functional strength and resilience for all of life's demands.

In today's video, Mark shares a sequence of movements that will develop total body strength, while also stretching overly tight areas and resetting your spine for better posture and overall movement.

The 4 part series includes the KB Rack Step Back Lunge, Clean To Step Back Lunge, Half Kneeling Clean, and finally, the Clean Step Back Lunge Clean.

This series alone will help you build functional strength for life, but it's also part of a bigger sequence included in the Wildman Turkish Get Up Program.

Get started building strength here. 





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