Improve Mobility And Reduce Back Pain With This Exercise

heavy club exercises mobility overcoming pain Jun 11, 2024

As we age, many of us lose mobility in our hips. This loss of movement, in combination with muscle tension imbalances can lead to pain, poor health, and overall aging. 

To combat these things, and to feel young, it's a good idea to work on your hip mobility, as well as your ability to get up off the ground with ease.

Your ability to get off the ground directly correlates to your vitality and how old you feel. 

We can improve both of these things to reduce imbalances, and therefore pain, while strengthening our ability to get up with the Flat Back Pullover Sit-up Alternating Leg Thread.

This exercise is a foundational movement that can be progressed to more advanced Get Ups and sequences.

Today, Mark teaches you how to do this safely, and with different tools like a club, kettlebell, or weight plate.

Get out of pain and improve your longevity here.








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