Fight Aging And Improve Longevity With This Get Up Exercise

deconditioned individuals longevity overcoming pain resilience Jul 29, 2024

Your ability to get up off the floor is directly related to your longevity. The easier it is for you to rise, and the fewer bases of support, meaning hands and legs, you need to get yourself up, the longer you likely have to live.

Kids spring up off the ground with no hands necessary.

Watch an injured or old person and they will likely need to use both hands to push and pull themselves to standing.

Getting up is a vital human movement, one that has been essential to our survival as a species, and one that you should work on daily.

The act of simply performing get ups will improve your longevity, fitness, and overall movement quality.

In today's video, Mark shows an exercise that requires the user to rise without the use of their hands, while also managing a heavy club.

This exercise is challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Learn it here. 



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