Improve BJJ & Grappling Resilience With The Heavy Club Mill Prep

heavy club exercises jiu jitsu martial arts resilience Jul 23, 2024

Grappling and BJJ requires you to be resilient in all directions. The martial art is so dynamic and unpredictable that you must train your body to generate and tolerate force from all directions.

No other tool can provide this kind of training aside from the heavy club.

Today's move, the Mill Prep, is a combination of an Outside Circle and a Shield Cast, which builds resilience in the upper and lower body in three dimensions.

This move will not only build strength and mobility in the the hips, spine, torso and shoulders, but make them better able to accept forces from odd angles.

This is an advanced heavy club technique that should be progressed to after learning the fundamentals of heavy clubs.

Learn it here.


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