Hunter Squats Build Functional Resilience For Tactical Athletes

jiu jitsu kettlebell exercises resilience Aug 27, 2024

Tactical athletes like servicemen and fighters need a healthy combination of strength, mobility, and resilience to handle the demands of their work.

The Hunter Squat is an exceptional exercise that helps build all three of those qualities for optimal function.

The truth is, however, anyone interested in more resilience and longevity will benefit from this exercise.

Hunter squats build single leg strength, hip mobility, knee resilience, ankle flexibility, and core strength all in one move.

It's also one of the most efficient ways to transition from a low position on the ground to a standing position, all while maintaining a vertical spine and strong posture - meaning eyes on target.

When you add the kettlebell outside clean you take the benefits even further by adding hip power and spine stability.

Learn it here in today's video.





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