The Mill Has Forged Functional Strength For Thousands of Years

heavy club exercises resilience Aug 13, 2024

The Mill is an ancient exercise that was used for millennia to help warriors, martial artist, and active humans fortifty their bodies for the rigors of life.

Rarely do you see the Mill in modern routines, however, as it fell out of favor for inefficient weight machines and inferior exercises.

But the Mill builds lateral and rotational strength and resilience in the upper and lower body, including the core, which will make any human a better, more resilient athlete.

It's a combination of an Inside Circle and a Shield Cast, which offer tremendous benefits for spinal stability and resilience, as well as hip and shoulder strength and mobility.

This one sequence provides a total body workout that can be done weekly to generate lasting benefits for performance and longevity.

Learn it in today's video.




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