Build Insane Core Strength With The Deck Squat

kettlebell exercises resilience strength Sep 17, 2024

The Deck Squat is the most important squat in the world. It teaches you how to squat and roll down onto the ground in a complete range of motion without getting hurt.

This is not an extreme range of motion, but a movement pattern that every human should be able to do.

The process of rolling to your back, then up to your feet, and squatting upright will teach your body better awareness and proprioception, which will help with balance and coordination.

This means less falls, injuries, and pain.

When you contract your core on the decent to your back, and again when coming up, you must contract maximally to stabilize your spine and pelvis.

This creates tremendous core strength, and therefore, lower back and spine resilience.

You can perform this move with bodyweight, a heavy club, or sandbag, but the kettlebell is the preferred tool when learning and adding weight.

Today, Mark teaches a regressed version so anyone can start adding Deck Squats to their routine!




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