Build Grappling Hip Power and Stability With This Sequence

heavy club exercises jiu jitsu martial arts Sep 10, 2024

Every martial artist knows the importance of strong, powerful hips to attack, defend, and counter during combat sports.

The muscles of your hips, lower back, and core must fire together to perform effectively on the mat.

But one often overlooked aspect is the smaller muscles around your hips that help stabilize your pelvis and rotate your legs.

It can be difficult to effectively train these small muscles, but they are essential for pain-free movement and injury resilience.

In today's video, Mark and Will from Order & Progress, demonstrate the Shin Box Hip Snap To Lunge with the heavy club.

Not only is this an actual sequence used in jiu-jitsu to sweep and takedown opponents, it can be used to strengthen those important muscles.

When you load it with the club, you take the benefits even further...any anyone, athlete or not, will benefit from this!

Learn it in today's video.





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