The Best Kettlebell Exercise For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

jiu jitsu kettlebell exercises May 14, 2024

The Turkish Get Up is the ultimate move for grapplers and fighters. Martial arts is a total body endeavor that requires strength, stability, mobility, and resilience. There are very few movements that can supply as much as the Turkish Get Up, including everything above and more.

Getting up is a foundational human movement that every person should master. And while anyone will benefit from the Kettlebell Turkish Get Up, it builds strength and resilience in the exact areas a grappler needs - like the shoulders, core, lower back, and hips. 

It also mobilizes tight hips, mimics grappling patterns used on the mat, and can be done almost anywhere in less than 10 minutes - making it the ultimate high-value, minimalist exercise for busy grapplers.

In today's video, Mark is joined by jiu-jitsu brown belt and strength coach, Will Safford, who explains exactly why you should invest your time in the Get Up if your goals are performance, durability and longevity.







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