Balance Your Structure With The Heavy Club Reverse Mill

heavy club exercises overcoming pain Sep 03, 2024

Pain, dysfunction, and injuries are often the result of poor movement patterns. We as humans were designed to move in all direction, and especially to rotate.

Rotational movements like walking, running, and throwing have been vital for our evolution as a species.

Using levers, like clubs, is the defining feature that has allowed us to build and defend civilization.

When you begin to swing clubs you move the body it was meant to, and open up muscles, joints, and the spine to move freely.

One often overlooked pattern, however, is rotating equally well in both directions. Most people rotate to one side better than the other.

Once you train to move well in both, you bring balance to your structure, which unlocks strength and performance, and often reduces pain and injuries.

Learn how to rotate better with the Heavy Club Reverse Mill, taught in today's video.








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