Advance To This Single Arm Club Move For Total Body Resilience

heavy club exercises resilience single arm club strength Jul 16, 2024

Humans evolved to throw things and swing levers. Our bodies are designed to grip clubs and swing them dynamically to hunt, defend, attack, and build.

We no longer need to make these movements thanks to modern technology, but the result is that many of us are living in pain or are overweight.

We no longer use our bodies as designed and pay the price with our health and wellbeing.

Thankfully we can regain our movement, health, and vitality by swinging clubs.

Today's movement is an advanced single arm heavy club exercise that combines many fundamental moves to form a powerful sequence that delivers total body benefits.

Mark shows the Single Arm Club Alternating Pendulum Mill, which should only be attempted after building the requisite strength and movement proficiency with 2-hand heavy club exercises.

When you're ready, take your total body strength and resilience to the next level here. 







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